
Rukhadze and others (Appellants) v Recovery Partners GP Ltd and another (Respondents)

Case summary

Case ID




Irakli Rukhadze

Igor Alexeev

Benjamin Marson

Hunnewell Partners (UK) LLP

Hunnewell Partners (bvi) Limited

Park Street (GP) Limited

Park Street (BR) Limited

Park Street (GS) Limited

Park Street (L) Limited


Recovery Partners GP Ltd

Revoker LLP


Whether the current test for an account of profits (where an individual has to pay back money earned due to a breach of a duty) should be changed?


The appellants were directors of a company and as a result owed special duties to the company. In breach of those duties, the appellants took a business opportunity away from the company. The appellants were ordered to repay to the company the profits that it made from this business opportunity. The appellants dispute the need to repay their profits to the company, and how the profits to be repaid should be calculated.

Date of issue

21 May 2023

Judgment appealed



Hearing dates

Full hearing

Start date

23 July 2024

End date

24 July 2024

Watch hearings

23 July 2024 - Morning session

23 July 2024 - Afternoon session

24 July 2024 - Morning session

24 July 2024 - Afternoon session

Change log

Last updated 15 August 2024

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